时间:2018年11月25日 上午9:00
地点:新校区B1六楼 政法部门学术报告厅
主题:皮尔士与维特根斯坦:理想记法(Peircenstein: The Notational Ideal)
主讲人:阿赫提·皮尔塔瑞南(Ahti Pietarinen)
阿赫提·皮尔塔瑞南(Ahti Pietarinen),芬兰科部门皮尔士研究中心主任、塔林理工大学哲学系主任,教授、博士生导师。
Wittgenstein claimed that "logical constants do not represent", and that the identity is to be expressed by "identity of the sign and not by a sign of identity". He thought so because there are some fundamental defects in the notation of logic. Ahti Pietarinen argues that Peirce's graphical logic remedies these defects and achieves the "notational ideal”.